The answer is yes!

You may have come across so many types of loan facilities offered by Singapore Banks and Singapore Licensed Moneylenders, that get you confused about which one to go for. Some loans are meant for a particular purpose. For instance, a mortgage is solely advanced to purchase a house, Motor vehicle loan to purchase a vehicle, education loan to finance education, and so on. On the contrary, a personal loan isn’t meant for any particular purpose.

What is a Personal Loan?

It is a loan advanced to an individual to meet any shortfall they experience in their expenditure. A personal loan can be put into various uses as illustrated below:

Debt Consolidation – This is the most common reason why people apply for personal loans. If you are struggling to meet your monthly loan installments, worry not as Singapore licensed money lenders and other financial institutions have your back. They’ll offer a solution to your financial problems by consolidating all your loans by way of a personal loan. This will make your life easier as you will only be left with one loan to service.

Emergencies – Contingencies arise and sometimes they find your pockets dry. Does this mean that it’s the end of your life? No! There exists a solution in personal loans. Simply look for a Singapore licensed money lender and all your troubles shall be sorted out. The turnaround time is quick thus the preferred option for emergency needs.

Making Large Purchases – When faced with a shortfall while making a large purchase, a personal loan is the best option. You can also make use of the loan instead of exhausting all your savings when making huge purchases.

Vacation – If you intend to save till you get enough for that dream vacation or honeymoon, my friend it may take you a lifetime or when your hair turns grey. Will you have achieved your dreams? No! Apply for a personal loan from a Singapore Licensed Money Lender and achieve your dream today.

Where and how do you access the facility?

Remember loan sharks do exist in the banking industry. For your security, look for Singapore Licensed money lenders who are approved by the Ministry of Law.

Why should you trust us as your Financier?

Simple Application Process – Unlike the banks where loan processing takes weeks, our loan application process is very simple. The process takes less than one hour.

Legitimate – We are registered under the Ministry of law and this can be verified in the list of the Singapore Licensed money lenders in the Ministry of Law website.

Low-Interest Rates – We offer the most affordable loans to our clients as we are not out to exploit. We take pride in improving live and livelihood of our esteemed customers.

To apply for this facility click here