When you want to get a loan, it is better to get it from a licensed moneylender. This is because you need to check the repayment terms, interest rate, and agreement terms. Some companies may need collaterals to ensure that you pay back while some don’t.

Also, be wary of loan sharks and illegal money lenders. When researching, ensure to check the credibility of the company, check the review, and know the procedure to be used to understand their agreement terms.

Why you should consider Avis Credit SG Pte LTD?

Avis Credit SG Pte Ltd is a credible company that can help to fulfill all your needs. It offers simple, fast, and professional loan services. The loan approval process is fast. The company is licensed through the registry of moneylenders.

It is a reputable company that is well-trusted. They not only provide loans but also try to understand your needs to ensure that you get the right loan. The loan officers are well-trained to analyze your current situation and provide the right loan package for your needs. Ideally, the company is also normally open on Sundays. Hence, full week flexibility. You can get your needs sought even during the weekend.

Hugely, Avis Credit SG Pte Ltd has helped many borrowers around Singapore with the best personal loan and business loan deals. However, to ensure a good collaboration, you need to provide the relevant information to ensure you get the best services to you.

Type of loans offered at Avis Credit SG Pte LTD.

1) Personal loan

At Avis Credit, customer service listens to your situation and helps provide the right plan for you. The plan will be great to ensure you can easily repay without compromising your needs. In this, customer service checks your monthly income and checks whether you will be able to pay the personal loan without much strain.

Avis Credit puts the client’s needs as a priority without having any hidden fees. When taking a loan, you need to consider a transparent money lender. This is because you can fall short of a moneylender who will just frustrate you. It will even be worse if you offer collateral and end up losing it to the wrong unlicensed moneylender.

The personal loans cover urgent needs like medical bills, fixing household appliances, paying fees, fixing a car, and much more. You see the kind of emergencies you hadn’t anticipated – such! In Avis, no collateral is needed as the personal loan is considered an unsecured loan. Hence, you won’t have to provide anything as security if you prolong paying your loan. Get the best personal loans for your emergencies!

In Avis Credit, you can get a loan that is six times your monthly income. Then consequently get a great repayment plan to pay your loan. The repayment scheme is up to 12 installments. To get a personal loan you will need to be above 18 years and work in Singapore.

2) Short term loan

Your salary may have been delayed, and you need a short-term salary advance. Avis Credit is an ideal platform that can sort you out. There is the payday loan, which is a cash advance in which you are given an allowance to pay after a month. The repayment will then be needed on your payday.

This type of short-term loan is effective for those with emergency loans and can be paid back within a month. Ultimately, the loan package is realistic to ensure you can pay and still be able to use your salary to cater to your needs. Additionally, there are no hidden charges.

Once your short-term loan is approved, the money is disbursed the same day. The only requirements are that you be over 18 and a salaried employee.

3) Business working capital loans

This is the kind of loan that has different loan classes. It is mainly offered to business enterprises who want to finance a business.

You should acquire one from money lenders. It is also so easy to access the business working capital loans. It takes less than 2 hours to acquire. However, you need to provide the relevant documents to be considered. You will get the most favorable and satisfying terms and conditions. Your situation will be analyzed well and the required loan given. This loan can help to prevent you from getting any business strains. Additionally, try to use the business loan to finish up any incurring costs.

4) Entrepreneurship loans

Entrepreneurship loans are great if you want to finance your company. This is either to expand or grow your business. If you want your business to prosper you need to have a good amount of capital. Business loans will help you to expand your operations and even be more diverse.

The entrepreneurship loan is meant for the business purpose of financing the working capital, equipment, new branches, and much more. In this loan bracket, you get a loan tenure of five years, competitive interest rates, and a loan amount of up to $500,000.


You should consider Avis Credit PTE LTD because it has a simple application process, is licensed, offers low-interest rates, provides customized loans, has a great turnaround time, and much more. All your needs will be fulfilled in the blink of a moment. Also, always be wary of the unlicensed money lenders that can frustrate you.

Additionally, remember to plan your income in a way that you will be able to pay off the loans without any issues. However, remember that a loan must be paid and in the case, you get too many loans, you can consider debt consolidation. It is vital. Always plan your money well to ensure that you don’t get into too many debts. All the best as you acquire loans from the best licensed money lender!